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How-To Get a US 1-800 Number


Step 1: Check with Your Current phone Service Provider

Contact your current phone service provider. It is possible that your service provider can provide you with a 1-800 Number. If you have a good working relationship with your service provider, they may even offer you special discounts on certain packages. However, regular service providers and landline can be expensive compared to VoIP network providers; do a price check before you make that purchase.


Step 2: Explore the Growing VoIP Service Provider Market

In case your current telephone service doesn’t suit your 1-800 number needs, try a VoIP service provider instead.

VoIP lets you obtain a number from anywhere in the world, by creating a faux ‘line’ through the internet. You’re aware of a few well-known VoIP service providers, such as Skype or Vonage. These service providers allow you to obtain any phone number over the internet. You can get any number you like (so long as it’s not taken already). Explore the VoIP serviceprovider market because you might just find the best 1-800 number providerthat is cheaper than regular phone services and come packed with more features.


Step 3: Choose a VoIP Service for Your Needs

Once you’ve decided to go the VoIP route, check out different service providers available and choose the one that best fits your needs.

A lot of factors will determine this choice. For example, some VoIP service providers offer the options of receiving and making calls over a desktop, tablet, smart phone or landline. There are also features like call waiting, conference calling and video calling available as per your business requirements.

If you’re a small business or a start-up, it might suit you to have just one line that can be accessed via a couple of smart phones and one office handset. However, if you’re a growing business, you might prefer multiple lines and a VoIP service that can expand as your business does.


Step 4: Check to See What Numbers Are Available

Once you’ve decided on the VoIP service provider, consult your customer service representative to find a 1-800 number that works best for you and your business. You might be able to obtain a relevant  and fun number like 1-800-PET-HOME (1-800-738-4663) for a pet shop or business.

If a suitable word equivalent is not available, try finding numbers that have repeated digits and less variety as they are easy to remember and will not be lost on your customers..

You can also go for numbers that have rhythm to them, such as (3456). In the event you obtain a number that has more variety, try going for the one that has repeated combination, such as (919-9191). Deciding on a number is an important task because you wouldn’t want to keep changing it if it doesn’t fit the bill. Take your time and choose wisely!

Step 5: Make Your Purchase And Advertise Your New 1-800 Number!

Congrats! You finally have your own US 1-800 number provided by a reliable and well-known cloud-based VoIP service. Now you can switch all your business outlets to include your new number and start accepting calls from customers who enjoy calling you on your fun and easy-to-remember 1-800 number.

Before you start though, make sure you have the rightequipment for the best VoIP service experience. You might need to install some new hardware to support your VoIP network.  This may include, a new modem, or a router. Some VoIP service providers even sell their own equipment to ensure the best fitting devices for your needs, so talk to them about which office gears work best for you. Once your office is all geared up, your US 1-800 number is live, and you are good to go.


Step 5: Make Your Purchase And Advertise Your New 1-800 Number!

Congrats! You finally have your own US 1-800 number provided by a reliable and well-known cloud-based VoIP service. Now you can switch all your business outlets to include your new number and start accepting calls from customers who enjoy calling you on your fun and easy-to-remember 1-800 number.

Before you start though, make sure you have the rightequipment for the best VoIP service experience. You might need to install some new hardware to support your VoIP network.  This may include, a new modem, or a router. Some VoIP service providers even sell their own equipment to ensure the best fitting devices for your needs, so talk to them about which office gears work best for you. Once your office is all geared up, your US 1-800 number is live, and you are good to go.


Note: Things to Remember About VoIP Service Providers

  • Some VoIP service providers offer data plans on international calls. If your business operates worldwide, you might want to check which countries are included in your plan to save yourself from high pricing in the future.


  • VoIP plans can also offer mobility. Consider this option if you run everything remotely, so you can say no to the plans that offer a desktop connection. However, for office-based businesses, it’s the opposite.  Therefore make sure you get the plan that suits the needs of your business.


  • Most importantly, make sure your internet bandwidth (speed) is fast enough to run a VoIP network successfully. You’ll want a faster than regular internet connection to accommodate for different lines. While 500 Kbps is recommended for 1 line and can hold up to 5, but for a smooth run, you’ll want as much as 10 Mbps or 30 Mbps to manage a medium-sized business of 22–500 lines.


Find Your Best VoIP Service for a 1-800 Number Right Here

A 1-800 number can be a game changer for independent businesses, as can be getting the right service provider. However, there are quite a few service providers on the market, each offering several types of plans and subscriptions. With so many options available, you’re bound to get a bit confused. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

We offer VoIP comparisons so you can decide the best VoIP service provider for your business. If you’re ready to get your US 1-800 number now, let us guide you to all of our top VoIP service providers and help you get your US 1-800 number today. Best of luck!

Even in the world of today, where most businesses at some level or the other are digitalized, 1-800 numbers have not lost their appeal.

It gives your business credibility and a professional presence in the market. However, getting a US 1-800 could be a challenging process; but fret not. Here is a step-by-step guide to make it easier for you. Just follows these steps and you’ll have your 1-800 Number in no time.


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